Wardrobe Dressing Room In The Home Stretch!!

Welcome to week six!! We have a bit of catching up to do this week, since week five was cancelled. I would be remiss without noting appreciation for our ORC host taking the pause needed to stand for racial injustice. We too honored the pause and did not blog accordingly. It's good to be back this week. I’m excited about sharing this amazing work of art, a print of an original by Natalie Osborne, Owner and Artist of NatalieOdecor. Always having admired Natalie’s work, the sourcing was an easier task than usual in selecting art. The framing option, not so easy. It’s all framed now, and yet I’m still undecided. But back to the art.
This beauty is called ‘The Daydream’! A perfect fit for the pose and for how I often feel when it’s time to choose outfits. I especially love the fact that it’s black and white; and still rich in character. Since the wallpaper is the star in the room it was intentional to have wall art that’s somewhat simplistic. Still, isn’t she lovely?!
There was very little wall space remaining for wall art once the wardrobe and shelving units were installed. I knew this would be the case during the planning phase. To maximize space for a room dedicated to housing an entire wardrobe of clothing and shoes, it’s imperative to properly plan for adequate shelving and drawers. Hence, the exposed wall space was expected to be minimal due to the size of the room vs. the size of my wardrobe. That said, I only had two options for where wall art could be placed. The wall I chose is perfect for the size of the art (11X17), and it faces the door opening. It’s the first thing I see everyday when I come out of my bedroom, along with the wallpaper around it. This makes my heart happy. When designing any space these are small details that should be considered and will make a big difference in the grand scheme when it's all done. Next up, another detail shot. Details matter, right?!
What would a dressing room be without accessories?? Here’s glimpse of a few of my favorite things, which includes some amazing new necklace additions from Blacqskirt and my new fun star earrings by The Extras. During the sourcing phase in this project it was important to me to support local black-owned businesses, owned by women for accessories and decor. A few were purchased and a few were gifted for influencer collaborations. Being a fashion and decor lover, working on this space truly has reinforced how much fashion truly crosses over into the interior design world. It's been fun collaborating and shopping in the mix. I'll be sharing another local woman owned business in my reveal post. But for now, on to more about these yummy details.
From the cork textured, chevron patterned jewelry boxes to the antique gold textured frame every detail was strategically planned. The black and white photo was a must! I’ve posted and talked about this photo on my Instagram page . Meet my Grandmother. She's holding my Mother in this photo. Somehow she was featured in a magazine, although back then she would've made a perfect petite model; she was a registered nurse. She dressed like a model and was always classy. My inspiration growing up, both my Mother and Grandmother. Seeing them daily continues to inspire and strengthen me. Cheers to the women who gave me the foundation to become the woman I am today.
That’s it for this week. I have allot more details to share in the reveal in two weeks and one more sneak peek planned for next week. Until then, head over to the One Room Challenge Blog to see how my fellow guest participants are coming along! Stay safe and well!!
ORC Host: Linda Weinstein at Calling It Home Media Sponsor: Better Homes and Gardens
“Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”—Bible
XOXO Kelly
